Some were wondering what would be good things to send in a package, so here are some suggestions. I've heard from other volunteer's experiences that shipping through the USPS using flat rate boxes, is the most reliable and cost friendly way to ship packages. Also if you get us the tracking #, we can track the package for FREE!! Most are food items, but let's face it.... food makes ya happy =) Thank you to all of our family and friends who have sent and are sending us little bits of home. It really is much appreciated! We will try and update this list periodically.
Hot sauce
Peanut butter
Anything with cheese (Mac N Cheese, Parmesan, Velveta, Cheeze-its, Goldfish crackers, etc)
Granola bars or just plain granola
Dried Fruit
Nuts (Almonds are a fan favorite)
Mexican food (salsa, beans, taco seasoning, Taco Bell packets, etc)
Mint tea
Sweet N Sour packs from Micky Ds
Lemonade powder
Gatorade powder
Protein powder
Tang powder
Koolaid (noticing a trend here? throw in anything 'powder')
Koolaid (noticing a trend here? throw in anything 'powder')
Ground coffee (we are one of the lucky ducks to get a coffee maker!!)
Instant oatmeal
*Please no one feel as if they need to send everything on this list. Or get creative and send something not on the list... these are just some ideas. Thanks again for all of your support on our journey so far - we love and miss you all!